Sunday, February 10, 2013

Welcome back to 2013

My goal is to put my pencil away in my tote tray.
My writing goal is to put full stops in the right place.
My reading goal is to read faster.
My maths goal is to keep on working and learn my two, five, ten times tables.


  1. To Kaylee,
    Well done on completing your first post on your very own blog!
    I think you have come up with some great goals here Kaylee. What do you think will help you remember to use your full stops in the right place?
    What do you think you will have to do to achieve your times table goal?
    From Mrs Head

    1. To Mrs.Head

      thank you for the comment.

      1. I will re-check my stories make sure i put all full stops.
      2. I will practise my times table every day.

      From kaylee Janphanich

  2. To Kaylee

    I hope you achieve these goals. If you achieve these goals by the end of this term than you are a super star!

    From Katherine

    1. To Katherine

      Thank you for your comment.

      From kaylee

  3. To Kaylee and Katherine,
    It is great to see you both using the blog to encourage each other with your learning.
    From Mrs Head
